Medication Compliance Packaging


Kanga Pouch® - Pill Packaging at Southland Pharmacy

If you’re looking for a simpler way to organize your medications we’ve got a great solution for you!

Southland Pharmacy also offers medication compliance packaging options for patients that are looking for a solution to organize medication by day and time of each dose.

Kanga Pouch® - Pill Packaging at Southland Pharmacy

How Medication Packaging Makes Life Easier

The Kanga Pouch® offers a simpler way to organize medications for your and your family.

Our innovative Kanga Pouch® technology packages your medication in a strip package grouped by what time you take each of your doses. This takes the work out of:

  • Remembering whether or not you took your medication

  • Keeping track of when you’ll run out

  • Which medication to take at which time.

    Compliance Packaging and The Benefits To Caregivers

    Compliance Packaging and The Benefits To Caregivers

    Our Kanga Pouch® system is also a tremendous asset to caregivers that are responsible for others medication organization. Maybe you’re taking care of your parents' medications, or a close friend. It can be hard to ensure you’re getting everything organized properly so it’s easy for your loved one to take their medications. Our expert pharmacy team can organize and package the medications so that you don’t have to try to be a medication expert. That’s what we are here for. This program does the heavy lifting for you, so you can focus your time on other things.

    We recommend this program for:

    • Children in charge of their parents medication regimen
    • In home health care workers in charge of medication organization and dosing
    • Nursing homes staff members passing medications to patients
    • Parents who have children with many doses of medication that makes it hard to know whether or not it has been given
    • Patients that are tired of filling up weekly pill boxes
    • Anyone who cares for someone that could struggle with staying adherence to their medication
    The Importance of Medication Adherence

    The Importance of Medication Adherence

    Medication adherence is vital to long-term health and wellness. Non-adherence to your medication regime can lead to worsening health conditions, hospitalizations and even death. Whatever the reason is for medication non-adherence, we have a solution for you. We can provide you with solutions to make it easier, and keep you and your family well!

    How Much Does Medication Packaging Cost?

    How Much Does Medication Packaging Cost?

    Southland Pharmacy offers the Kanga Pouch® - Compliance Packaging as a Complimentary Service for our patients.

    The Kanga Pouch is a personalized medication packaging system that organizes your prescriptions into convenient, clearly labeled pouches by date and time - all at no extra cost!

    Whether you take multiple medications daily or just need an easier way to manage your prescriptions, the Kanga Pouch is designed to improve adherence, reduce confusion and enhance your overall wellbeing. We package your prescription medications, along with all OTC Vitamins and Supplements you may be taking.

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    How Does The Kanga Pouch® - Medication Packaging Work?

    1. We Sort & Package Your Medications

    Your prescriptions are pre-sorted into individual pouches labeled with the date and time they should be taken.

    2. Clear & Convenient Packaging

    No more pill bottles! Each pouch is easy to open and portable - just tear off the day and time you need and take it with you on the go.

    3. Pharmacist Support

    Have questions about your medications? Our pharmacist are always available to provide medication guidance and answer any concerns.


    Monthly Refill Review

    At Southland Pharmacy we handle all aspects of your Kanga Pouch® refills to ensure you never miss a dose!

    Personalized Patient Communication

    We send reminders, notify you of any issues and ensure you’re informed when your next pouch is ready.

    Monthly Refill Review

    Before preparing your next pouch, we check for medication changes, confirm new prescriptions and update your regimen accordingly.

    Automatic Refill Management

    We track your prescription refill dates, handle prior authorizations and work with your doctor to renew prescriptions as needed.

    Get Started TODAY with the Kanga Pouch ® From Southland Pharmacy